structuring technique

英 [ˈstrʌktʃərɪŋ tekˈniːk] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃərɪŋ tekˈniːk]




  1. Miyazawa multiplier and semi-closed multiplier are two mainly used methods in structuring Keynesian multiplier by input-output technique.
  2. Therefore, structuring fast and effectively, re-utilized, transplanting strongly software architecture in the digital park by fully using the advanced software design technique, play a inestimable role in building a digitization, individualized theme park.
  3. In this paper, a new data structuring technique called wall-stitching is described, which represents the rectangular dissections on a plane and finds applications in layout tools for IC design.
  4. It's necessary to find a quick, reliable and static flat for the virtual communication system in order to ensure the trueness and reality, so the structuring of the system flat is the last key technique.
  5. Based on the generalized morphological open closing and close opening operations, a class of new morphological filters are defined using multiple structuring elements and adaptive weighted averaging technique in this paper.